6-4-15. Added Rule 46: Low Light ​Operations; added Low Light markers to Neutral Markers; Updated the Advance Unit Charts on the Charts and Tables page.

6-5-15. Added Advanced Unit Capability Charts to the NATO and Warsaw Pact Advanced pages.

6-8-15. Updated French 1st Armored Division, I and III Corps Engineer units; updated Low Light Level Operations Rule (Helicopter Combat); Updated Appendix A (Low Light Level additions)

6-10-15. Revised the Engineering Rules for new French vehicles; Updated the French I Corps, III Corps, 1st Armor and 2nd Armor Engineering units; Revised the Engineering Tables in Charts and Tables

​6-17-15. Corrected display error in Warsaw Pact Order of Battle; Reconfigured home page.

6-29-15. Added the Cartography Page; added Scandinavia 1 Maps

6-30-15. Added Fjord Map and New Terrain chart to Cartography Page

7-1-15. Added Scandinavia 2 Maps and corrected the New Terrain PDF

​7-3-15. Added Baltic Coast Map to Cartography

7-27-15. Updated the USMC 2nd Division and 22nd MEU. Updated the Transport Charts

8-5-15.​ Added Broken & Shaken markers to Neutral Markers page

8-15-15. Corrected WW2 German P Class Direct Fire Data Chart

9-30-15. ​Added Jugoslav Army pages

11-18-15. Added the Battle of the Bulge, German and American units.

12-21-15. Added the US 10th Armor, 5th Armor and 4th Armor Divisions

12-26-15. Updated German Railroad Gun/Heavy Mortar Indirect Fire Data Chart 

Assembly Area Archives

​3-13-14 to 9-23-14 

Assembly Area Archives

​12-12-14 to 6-3-15

Assembly Area Archives

​9-23-14 to 12-11-14